Refinancing, purchasing a new home, or even just renewing your existing mortgage?

Before you take the next step and officially close your new mortgage, there are a few things we at MorCan Direct think your should know:

What is your home worth?

The Bank Isn’t Out to Help You, But They ARE Out to Help Themselves to Your Money

In the last two years, Chartered Banks in Canada have been telling you to go with fixed rate mortgages despite the fact that variable rate mortgages have consistently been at much lower rates.

Why wouldn’t the bank want you to get the best deal for your money?

It’s easy. Banks are “banking” on your worry about the future. Meanwhile, variable mortgage rates have beaten their fixed rate counterparts for the last 40 years!

With a mortgage broker like MorCan Direct, you’ll always be assured of getting the lowest rates when you renew or refinance – GUARANTEED.

You Go From “Valuable Client” to “Unwilling Hostage”

It might sound like an extreme comparison to make, but there’s no doubt that banks are looking to rope in new customers. They do this by giving those customers their best rates.

And you?

You get the same, stale rates along with penalties and obstacles thrown in your way if you even so much as THINK of switching. It’s not loyalty, it’s leverage – and banks know how to work the system to their advantage.

With a lender like MorCan Direct, your loyalty is rewarded with deep, meaningful discounts and impeccable service. We always strive to give you the best rates – because our company is built on service – NOT stalling.

Make Your Mortgage Tax Efficient

Rather than being crushed by the burden of taxes on your mortgage, you can make it work for you! There’s a bit of a set up phase to make this happen, however.  In order for your mortgage to become tax efficient, you’ll need to have a mortgage product with a secured line of credit built into it.

Sound confusing? Not to worry. We at MorCan Direct have extensive experience in setting up this type of mortgage for our clients and are happy to guide you through the process step-by-step.

Pay Attention to Your Mortgage BEFORE You Sign!

Our team is constantly monitoring Prime lending rates and watching economists’ predictions. Because of our dedication to saving you money, we’re able to advise you independently of the best time to switch mortgage products, or how to get the best possible rate if variable rates are no longer working in your favour.

Because we do all the legwork in making sure that our calculations are accurate, we also factor in things like the penalties for breaking your mortgage early.  Even despite these perceived setbacks there are still considerable savings to be had for any of our existing clients looking to refinance their mortgages.

Interested in learning more about how we can help you? Give us a call today at 416.766.9000!

Your Friends at MorCan Direct